On August 7th Jenna and I had an amazing wedding where we were surrounded by some pretty incredible friends and family! Thanks to everyone who came, helped in any way, or was praying with us about this day! In the days after our wedding Jenna and I couldn't think of anything that we would have changed about the wedding or reception...it was just that awesome!

A few days after our wedding we made it to Minneapolis Minnesota to our apartment at Northwestern College! Jenna started her new job as a Resident Director two weeks before our wedding and they were gracious enough to allow us some time before and after the wedding so that we could make the transition and move. Its been great getting to know some new people and seeing how God is going to use us in new ways. I like new beginnings.

Here are a few pictures of the new apartment and how we've tried to make use of the space!
So this is our new home...filled with all sorts of Ikea products!
With all of the changes pretty much complete I think I can safely say we handled it well. No major breakdowns or issues with the wedding, move, or job change. God's really blessed us and we're excited for what is in store for us here!
Thanks for praying with and for us!
P.S. - Come and visit! Oh, and check out the wedding pictures on facebook!