It was time to let go...Bessie is gone. She was good to me (most of the time) and I'm sad that my kids won't take the keys to her someday. Here is a tribute to Bessie/the Beast/the grandpa car or however else you described my car.
One thing I love about catching up with old friends is that you relive memories together. You know what I'm talking about meet up with a friend you haven't seen in months or years and you can almost be sure that specific stories from your time together will be retold.
Recently I've been able to reconnect with a ton of my brothers from Bowman and I'm amazing at how much we have to share about our time there. I can't tell you how many stories I have relived in the last month while spending time with guys at Jason Stephens' wedding and having my bro Chris Snider in town.
So I want to relive a memory from my days in Bowman. My first year as an RA my boys decorated our hall for Christmas. We didn't just decorate a little though. We filled the hallways, rooms, and bathrooms even with lights. We hosted a huge party and brought as many people over as we could. We were so proud. He's some of the footage from Zach Huizenga.